ScholarshipsThe Department of the Army offers a wide range of scholarships. Whether you are in high school, already in college, or an enlisted soldier, the Army has a scholarship for you. Be sure to consider all options as more than one may apply to you! Four-Year Scholarships, Three-Year Scholarships, Two-Year Scholarships, GRFD Scholarships, Simultaneous Membership Program, Veterans and Soldiers Army ROTC Scholarships provide financial assistance for the education and training of motivated young men and women who desire to serve as Army officers after graduating from college. They are awarded based on merit and grades, not financial need. Scholarships consist of full-tuition OR room and board, $600 a semester for books and fees and a monthly stipend for the amount of time remaining to pursue your degree. Missouri S&T also provides a supplemental scholarship to contracted cadets attending Missouri S&T. The monthly stipend is awarded to all contracted cadets (scholarship or other) and is non-taxable. The amounts are: $300, $350, $450, and $500 for MSI, MSII, MSIII and MSIV years respectively. Non-scholarship options are listed here. Four-Year National ScholarshipsFour-year scholarships are available to high school seniors. Students apply for the scholarship between February of their junior year and January 10th of their senior year. Cadet Command awards scholarships to the most qualified applicants. Click here to apply for the 4-year scholarship. Three-Year Advanced Designee ScholarshipsThree-year Advanced Designee (3-yrAD) scholarships are given to certain qualified applicants who do not receive a four-year scholarship. This scholarship provides the same incentives as the four-year scholarship but the benefits do not begin until the first day of the sophomore year. Click here for information about 3-year scholarships. Three-year Campus Based: You may apply for a three-year scholarship during your freshman year at Missouri S&T. If awarded, this scholarship will provide the same benefits as other Army ROTC scholarships beginning the first day of the sophomore year. Contact the recruiting office for more details. Two-Year ScholarshipsYou apply for this campus-based scholarship during your sophomore year on campus. In order to be eligible, you must have earned Basic Course credit by completing the first two years of ROTC, Army Basic Training, or ROTC Basic Camp the summer after you apply for the scholarship. If qualified, you attend ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky for 28 days, get paid approximately $700, with all expenses paid (travel, food, lodging). While at Basic Camp you will receive training in a variety of leadership positions and military skills. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. Contact the recruiting office for more details or view more information about Basic Camp. Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)Those who do not receive scholarships may still enroll in ROTC, complete college and embark on a career as an Army officer. By enlisting in the National Guard or Reserve and completing basic training, you may serve as a cadet in the SMP at the grade of E-5. Prior service E-6 and above will be paid accordingly with their grade. After contracting you can earn a $450-$500 monthly stipend from ROTC, a $350 ROTC kicker, $278.68+ per month for each Reserve or Guard Battle Assembly weekend, up to $4,500 per year Tuition Assistance (Reserve) or 100% public in-state tuition (Guard), and may apply for a supplemental S&T scholarship. Reserve and Guard Soldiers who have completed AIT may be additionally eligible for Chapter 1606 or 1607 GI bill (click here to determine the amount paid) or Student Loan Repayment (prior to contracting). Contact the recruiting office or your chain of command for more details. Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) ScholarshipsGRFD scholarships are available only to SMP cadets who wish to earn a commission into the Army National Guard or Army Reserve. Scholarships are 2-2.5 years full tuition or room and board, with a $600 per semester book allowance, monthly cadet stipend of $450 for juniors and $500 for seniors. In addition, cadets may use tuition assistance, drill pay and the GI Bill or SMP Kicker if eligible. Contact the recruiting office or your chain of command for more details. |
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